Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And you thought it affects my life????

  • · We think that losing one’s sight and hearing capacity makes one vulnerable but Helen Keller shows it is not like that.
  • · We think that having pancreatic cancer was the worst blow of destiny to a man, but Steve Jobs shows it is not like that.
  • · We think that it is that an athlete, who comes back after cancer, cannot perhaps play his sport anymore, well Lance Armstrong shows it is not like that.
  • · Losing everything in a natural disaster means we have been hit hardest by god, but so many survivors of such brutal blows show us that it is not like that.
  • · We thought that being removed disgracefully from captaincy and thrown out of team with reprimand meant an end of a sportsman’s career, but Sourav Ganguly shows us it is not like that.

So many examples are around us. It is easy to neglect them labelling them as an outlier case. What is difficult yet important for us to learn is that in all these conditions individuals faced situations which seemed, as bad as- if not worse than- death. Yet they continued, went on with force, fun and faith.

In the end, what seemed insurmountable once was only a small halt in a great journey.

Most of our problems that we face, do not really affect our life as significantly as we think they do. Think about it, believe it.

1 comment:

botchavs said...

You hit the nail Dhruv when you said "Most of our problems that we face, do not really affect our life as significantly as we think they do. "

We tend drown ourselves in the agony of the present when we know that tomorrow there will be a new beginning with a rising sun and a blank slate to draw the picture we want and paint the world we desire.