ramblings, musings, confusions, understandings, limitations, crushes, friendships,dilemmas, arguments, amazements, aspirations, abilities, philosophy, mathematics, research, energy, questions, answers, inquiry, agitation, anxiety....... life
Friday, December 21, 2012
Work ethic of a washer man
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
I would like to note here some personal takeaways from the book as a tribute to the man. I would consciously refrain from praising the professor because no amount of words can really make justice to his composure, craftsmanship and professionalism with which he delivered the last lecture.
- First and most striking things was that time is a finite thing, and some day we may realize that we have it lesser than we thought. This lesson seems even more striking when someone in the last stage of a terminal illness tells you this. Act on your desires before it’s too late.
- Next one is about the importance of hard coaches: This one is my personal favourite as being a cricketer at a junior level I have had some very tough coaches. These tough teachers are important in life as they make us stretch. They make us realize that when we think we have reached a limit of our energies, and still try, then those limits at times do expand.
- Another fascinating concept that he introduced during the talk was called “Head Fake”, it refers to a very important aspect of learning through social interaction that we have with our surroundings. For example, when a kid goes for cricket or football coaching, apart from the skills of cover driving a ball or giving clever passes he learns importance of being a part of team, giving full energies to a common objective etc.
- Through the examples of his teaching practice and research activities he not only brought out but also emphasised on the importance that collaborative effort has in any remarkable breakthrough. He showed how being receptive to every source of information or insight can multiply the knowledge and insight of the recipient.
- Through his commitment to the well being of his family he shows immaculate sense of duty and equally good execution of the same by planning ant rational analysis of one’s situation.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Bombay Days: A beginning
Monday, July 23, 2012
What I would love to learn from Virat Kohli
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Bombay days: Prelude
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Death of Silence
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Reflections on an article
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Channelling Besties.... :)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Book Review- A Calendar too Crowded
Monday, April 16, 2012
Life is like that....!!

At first I did not recognize him; however his face seemed similar and known. After pressing a little harder on the memory chip, I recollected that he was my classmate from school.
On meeting him, I told him that he looked quite different in office attire and with a suitcase of course! “I have become a professional now.” He answered with a slight grin.
From his face I could gather the sense of victory he had in his mind. He had been working for a life insurance company as an agent and had done quite successfully. Later he also took up the agency work for mutual funds and other financial products.
As an MBA I have been infected with the habit of asking stereotype (yet intelligent looking) questions to all irrespective of our own knowledge about the entire story.
So I asked “what is the best and the worst part of your job?” “You MBAs are so much like each other!!! Almost everyone asks similar questions!!” He told this time with a slight disgust in his voice.
I wanted to protect the sheen of our creed, but sensing his anger I remained silent and seconded his opinion. At times people vent the anger of their failure by disparaging others, and this old pal of mine was doing the same thing.
If somebody is doing wrong, someone has to set him right! So I extended my inquiry and argument further after I thought that he had cooled off. “Questions may be similar but the way we all process answers may be different.” He looked back sternly, this time. However, I had made up my mind not to let it go this time, and elaborated on my question a bit. “What is it you think that makes your mutual fund products sell you think?” I waited for the answer, none came.
Finally, I thought to myself “One last try... Change the question a little bit more...” I asked “what do you like the most about stock markets, or mutual funds?”
“You know what…” he started answering, satisfying my hubris. “My life is very similar to that of a performance of mutual fund or Stock market over the long run, that’s what I like the most about it.” I kept quiet hoping that he would elaborate on what he just said. He did. “There may be crashes in between, due to reasons that are unfathomable, out of control or even out of imagination, but after some times the returns set the losses off. The only thing you need to have is the courage to bear the losses and time enough to let wounds heal on their own. One more thing, you should never try to understand it ahead of its time.”
I realized how Fickle is the power that we draw from our advantageous background, schooling, upbringing and qualification when it comes to stand up to some of the unavoidable circumstances that life has to offer. It’s something more than we study that really matters.
This episode taught two very significant things, first was that making inferences from limited data may be quite intelligent but it can be grossly unjust to apply that thing to individuals, we never really know what battles the other person may be fighting. And second was that life indeed is perhaps like Mutual funds and stock market, “full of ups and downs, signifying nothing!!”
Sunday, February 26, 2012
A walk on Marine Drive!

It is strange how one photograph put up on facebook can send you back in time and force you to remember all that was so close by some time back!!
Titled as “Queen’s necklace” this photograph showed Marine Drive of Mumbai. This was a place where I had spent first 8 months of my professional life. This place has lot of significance to me as it was the only source of solace in an otherwise hectic and ruthless life.
Walking on this long road was one of the favourite stress busters of mine. The place has something that takes you completely off from the present problems. It makes you reflect on larger, better and more beautiful things!!
Apart from the natural and scenic beauty that the place offers due to proximity to the sea, it is also a symbol of modern day life in many ways. A long walk along that road reflects all that the life throws at us. Road has two sides, one that goes towards all the corporate offices, workplaces, shopping complexes and hotels, the other side, as we all know is a sea face. A simple observation reveals that during office hours on weekdays you see legions of people on the other side and nights give way to crowd on the sea face side. This is truly a time when everyone switches off their official side and focus on the personal one! That sea has a great role in it I guess.
The crowd that we find there is a fairly representative of all classes. The original SOBO crowd with apparels, gadgets and a pride in their walk which differentiate them from the rest of us on that road, couples – some romancing, others fighting, professionals who are just tired of the toiling day they had in office, youngsters having good time, aged ones feeling the peace, people talking on phone while walking alone, artists, hawkers (selling everything from snacks to soda), beggars, etc.
The design of the road is such that if you are walking across you would not be too far off from people sitting on the sideline in order to have a conversation in front of the sea. A silent walker across on Marine drive inadvertently becomes a passive listener to all these conversations, debates, rifts, general talks that people sitting there are having. Following are some of the choicest conversations that a silent walker still remembers, may be because they signified something more about that place, that city, and this life.
Old man (to his wife): “He’s still in early twenties, it will take him some time to find sync with life and career… you worry unnecessarily….” As one walked half retort from his wife could be heard which said “when we were of his age………”
Man 1 (to man 2): “The problem with politics is that it is always divisive, cast, creed, religion were the divides till now, going ahead there will be classes….. we will always be fragmented.”
Man 2 replied “Yes. May be…”
Boy (to a girl): Isn’t it great to be at a place where nobody knows you, and you know nobody? Girl replied, “What does it mean, to know someone?” Since no sound came for some seconds, one was forced to cast a look at their direction; soon one could see what it means to know someone.
Young man (on phone): “that’s great news, congratulations!! Of course I will come, what are the dates? Oh Oh….. I guess it will be tad tough for me to get leaves during that time, still will check and let ya know..”
All such conversations force one to speak to oneself, about life and its possibilities…. It makes us more prepared, cautious and tolerant. One of the most brilliant things it does to you lies in assurance that whatever may be your stage, situations or worry, you are not the only one in world facing it- there are many of us in this same boat called LIFE. So Brace yourselves and counter it with all the might….
Along with this comes another realization…. It’s getting late, will have to go home and sleep or else the local of 7:58 will be missed… and the subsequent one is even more crowded!! J