Sunday, March 20, 2011

Plays end, Characters do not.....

A play seems to me one of the best analogies for the last two years of this course spent here in New Delhi. There were other options, like a nerve breaking cricket match, blockbuster movie, splendid story, picturesque painting etc. but in the end “Play” prevailed. It prevailed because of the space and scope it gives to incorporate all the episodes and characters with which some of the most precious moments of our lives relate. Just like plays, these two years have shown us all kinds of emotions, expectations, joys, disappointments, humour, honour, rage, romance, etc.

Moreover, it has also offered various forms through which our lives in this course have passed, like tragedy, comedy, thriller, and at times farce too!!!

Besides all these, the single most effective reason for choosing this analogy was the fact that in plays, various characters unfold as the time progresses. Depending on our personal psyche we may relate to some characters more than others, but we notice everyone nevertheless. No character was additional, or extra, everyone had a role to play. And through these small roles of each one of us, we made this two year long play.

While it is certain that all characters have a role, it is also true that all roles are not equally appealing, attractive or mesmerising. If you have liked more number of characters than you disliked, you are fortunate. I have been fortunate because I got many chances to see, observe and understand AWESOMENESS of many characters. Most of them left a deep impression on my mind. Among these impressions lie memories of some of the most amazing events, relaxing and refreshing trip, challenging assignments, that last minute revision with friends in minutes before exam, impromptu presentations, late night Maggie/pasta/soup etc.

Characters help us shape our attitude and outlook towards life by their clinical proficiency in whatever they do, some by their deeply poetic and philosophical understanding of life, some through their witty and sharp sense of humour, some with their gritty conduct, some through their sheer brilliance, some through their past experience, some with their simplicity and some just with their being. Our class has this whole range of such inspiring characters.

Just as we like some characters, we also dislike some characters. However in this dislike too, there are interesting things to learn. Generally the dislike stems from difference of opinion or belief system. In order to protect our beliefs we often oppose or disapprove of others’ beliefs. There is little one can do about characters that oppose our belief system, and more often than not some of them recede in to the subplot, however, remember that even subplot is an integral part of the play and many a times subplots give a completeness to the play!!

Another important aspect is that of a definitive end. Plays end - almost - always. However, just as we remember some of the most impressive, characters of history, of films, of plays. Some characters from this play too, shall continue to form an active part of my life. An end here also puts some obligation to these wonderful characters, an obligation to keep playing the role that they have played till now, with all the more care, zeal, perfection and enthusiasm, to be in memories, dreams, inspirations and guidance.

Plays end, characters do not.


Dream Girl said...

Just Owesome...!!!

Unknown said...

too good yaar...apni class ka javab nahi

Tabula_Rasa said...

Diverse topics touched upon in your blog.Made for a good read. Thoughtful,intelligent and interesting write ups

Anonymous said...

i liked d way u said dat some ch's were nt liked but still had somethin to learn from dem...i belive in d same.. :D..cheers dude :)

Anonymous said...

yaar ye like karne ka option nahi hota yahaan pe...??? :P

dhruv said...

Tabula_Rasa, thanks for the encouragement, I visited ur blog too.. left a comment there. Keep in touch, keep writing..

@ Sau, thanks buddy