Everything was set, completed, finished, closed, sealed and packed. All those things that cannot be ended and packed were left in their own states and stages.
Eyes were observing things as if it were gulping them inside. Without any work I had taken couple of rounds of the entire house, just to see things again and again. In undue worry of “lest her son would forget something important” my mother too did two rounds of checking the entire luggage and made me see what all I was taking with me. All this while, my eyes kept falling on things that I was not taking with me.
· The old bat which had turned red due to some long practice sessions and innings
· The cupboard which contained some of the most read books, old diaries and some brilliant films.
· The couch placed right in front of the television, where so many hours of all my vacations have been spent.
· The big mango tree which used to be a resting place while playing in the backyard.
· That corner where cat had kept her kittens
There was deluge of memories in mind. I was trying, in vain, to hold the clock still.
The most difficult thing about this half an hour is that you know that after so small a time you will be going away from so many beautiful and meaningful things. YET YOU CANNOT HOLD ON TO THEM!!
During my train journey I wondered if our lives are also like that, the only difference is that we do not know which half an hour will be our LAST HALF AN HOUR!!